MATH 20B - Calculus/Science & Engineering - Briones [S124]

Math 20B: Calculus for Science and Engineering II

Important: We will be using Achieve for various assignments including weekly homework. You have to register for Achieve. The needed information on how to register and access Achieve through Canvas can be found Links to an external site..

General information

  • Title: Calculus for Science and Engineering II.
  • Credit Hours: 4 (2 credits if taken after Math 10B or Math 10C). Credit not offered for both MATH 20B and 31BH; formerly numbered MATH 21C.
  • Prerequisite: AP Calculus BC score of 3; or, AP Calculus AB score of 4 or 5; or, Math 20A with a grade of C- or better; or, Math 10B with a grade of C- or better; or, Math 10C with a grade of C- or better.
  • Catalog Description: Integral calculus of one variable and its applications, with exponential, logarithmic, hyperbolic, and trigonometric functions. Methods of integration. Infinite series. Polar coordinates in the plane and complex exponentials.


Instructional Staff



Role E-mail Office/Tutor/One-on-one hours
Jor-el Briones Instructor

AP&M 1218

Wed: 9:45AM-1:45PM (EXCEPT Weeks 1 & 5)


Piazza: Accessible Through Canvas

Discord (Not formal/technically official):

Lecture Schedule (subject to change throughout the quarter)


Lecture Date Topics Textbook Sections
1.1 7/1/24 Overview, Basic Derivative and Integration Rules 5.2-5.3
1.2 7/1/24 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Net Change as the Integral of a Rate of Change 5.4-5.5, 5.6
1.3 7/1/24 The Substitution Method (u-substitution) 5.7
2.1 7/3/24 Area Between Two Curves, More on U-Sub 5.7, 6.1
2.2 7/3/24 Setting up Integrals: Volume, Density, and Average Value 6.2
2.3 7/3/24 Volumes of Revolution: Disks and Washers 6.3
3.1 7/8/24 Integration by Parts 7.1
3.2 7/8/24 Polar Coordinates 11.3
3.3 7/8/24 Area in Polar Coordinates 11.4
4.1 7/10/24 Trigonometric Integrals 7.2, 7.4
4.2 7/10/24 Trigonometric Integrals, Integrals Involving Hyperbolic and Inverse Hyperbolic Functions 7.2, 7.4
4.3 7/10/24 Trigonometric Substitution 7.2





5 7/15/24 Trigonometric Substitution, Integration of Functions which Take Complex Values 7.3, Supplement
6.1 7/17/24 Complex Numbers S1.1-S1.5
6.2 7/17/24 Complex Exponentials S1-S3
6.3 7/17/24 Integration with Functions that take on Complex Values, The Method of Partial Fractions, Partial Fraction Expansions (PFE) Part 1 S.3, 7.5
7.1 7/22/24 The Method of Partial Fractions, Partial Fraction Expansions (PFE), The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Part 2 7.5, S4-S5
7.2 7/22/24 The Method of Partial Fractions, Partial Fraction Expansions (PFE), The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Part 3 7.5, S4-S5
7.3 7/22/24 Improper Integrals 7.7
8.1 7/24/24 Comparison Test and Sequences 7.7, 10.1
8.2 7/24/24 Sequences and Summing an Infinite Series 10.1, 10.2
8.3 7/24/24 Convergence of Series with Positive Terms 10.3
9.1 7/29/24 Absolute and Conditional Convergence 10.4
9.2 7/29/24 The Ratio and Root Tests and Strategies for Choosing Tests 10.5
9.3 7/29/24 Power Series 10.6
10.1 7/31/24 Taylor Series 10.8



FINAL EXAM (7:00PM-10:00PM)

LECTURE A (Location TBD, probably lecture room)


NOTE: S1-S5 refers to the Supplement Material CHAPTERS. Those will be posted under the Modules Tab on Canvas



The required textbook for the course is

Calculus Early Transcendentals: Single Variable with Achieve, 4th edition,

by Jon Rogawski, Colin Adams, and Robert Franzosa. You can access the E-book through Achieve.

We will cover much of the materials in chapters 5, 6, 7, 10, and 11. We will also likely cover some supplemental material (posted in Modules Tab on Canvas).


There are three types of assignments that you can access through Achieve (and Canvas):

  • Reading: pre-class and ungraded.
  • Guided learn and practice: after class and ungraded.
  • Homework: weekly and graded.


Exam Information

We will have one IN PERSON midterm and one IN PERSON final. 

  • Midterm. Monday, July 15, 2024 –During BEGINNING of Lecture – Material to be announced on Canvas
  • Final exam. For Lecture A : Friday, August 2, 2024 – 7:00PM-9:59PM – Covers all the topics that are covered in the course. More specifics to be announced closer to the final exam

A few general policies for the exams:


  • You may NOT use the internet, notes, or your textbook during exams, and assistance from other people is not allowed during the exams.



Weighted Score. Your weighted score is the best of the following grading schemes:

  • HW assignments (24%) + Midterm (30%) + Final (45%) + Professionalism (1%),
  • HW assignments (19%) + Midterm (10%) + Final (70%) + Professionalism (1%).

Possible Bonus. Because your feedback is very important for us, there may be some bonus, if enough students fill out the SETS questionnaire at the end of the quarter. Details to be determined at a later date.

Homework. The HW assignments are due on Sundays at 11:59pm, including on the first week. Late submission: Late submissions are NOT accepted automatically. You may request homework extensions, with reason for any assignment, prior to grades being published. You are NOT guaranteed to be granted a homework extension for any assignment. Note that you ARE responsible for week 5 homework, and it is still a part of your grade, even if it is due AFTER your final exam.

Professionalism Score. This will usually be a free 1% of your grade, as my course tends to be pretty chill. You will automatically receive this professionalism grade in full, UNLESS you are egregiously unprofessional in this course. Some examples of this include:

  • Bullying and/or harassment of other students or instructional staff
  • Having a loud, unrelated meeting during office hours, in the office hours room
  • Declining to leave the room when asked to do so by a member of the instructional staff
  • Violating Academic Integrity
  • Leaving an exam room and re-entering without having turned in the exam or without permission from a member of the instructional staff

Displaying such poor professionalism will cost this 1%. More egregious offenses, like violating academic integrity, will be met with other consequences as well.


Letter grade. Your letter grade is determined based on your weighted score using the best of the following methods:



















A few general grading notes:

  • Unlike in other courses, achieving a 97% or higher does NOT guarantee an A+ in the course. The thresholds or requirements for an A+ are often different and more strict, and reflective of consistent, exemplary work in the course.
  • The following will disqualify you from receiving an A+ in the course, as they all disrupt the process of getting grades out:
    • Asking what the cutoff for an A+ is
    • Asking for an A+ directly
    • Pointing out that your grade, or any part of it, is "high enough" for an A+
    • Asking why or pointing out that you did not receive an A+
  • You must pass the final exam to pass the course, even if your weighted average is above a passing threshold.

     For this course, the default passing grade for the final exam is 70%. This threshold can be adjusted and is often adjusted, but that is left to the discretion of the instructor.
  • Exams themselves are generally not curved. This may change in extreme cases–in particular, a curve is more likely (but not guaranteed) if the mean falls below 70% BUT students demonstrate sufficient understanding of material on average. These extreme cases are separate for the extreme cases of the passing threshold for the final exam.
  • No one will know if the course itself is curved at all until after all grades are in. Even if it is determined there would be a curve, it is not guaranteed that such information or the nature of any curve would be given to students.


You will be able to see the score of your midterm exam and final exam in Gradescope. After that, there will be a limited window of time during which the regrade request feature will be active. Please notice that the regrade request window will be at least 24 hours for both exams, and you will be given at least 24 hour notice before the regrade window closes. Make sure that you make the regrade request during the allowed time if you want to make such a request. Please understand that while we will correct errors in the grading, we will not modify the grading rubric after graded papers are returned to students.

General advice

Here are a few general comments that hopefully help you have a more successful education here in UCSD.

  • I personally, throughout lectures and on announcements, tell you a lot about what I expect on exams. Please pay attention to those statements and announcements.
  • Pay attention to Canvas Announcements in General, as they will frequently if not always contain important information.
  • Take advantage of office hours of your instructors and your TAs. You are in one of the best colleges, so why not take advantage of all the good things this institution can offer you!
  • You can get extra help from Supplemental Instruction.
  • UCSD provides other sources of support as well, eg Content Tutoring
  • Any institution can only provide help and the right environment for growth, but it is YOU who have to do the work! Before every lecture go over the assigned reading and after every lecture do the assigned practice. More importantly make sure to do weekly homework assignments. Questions in the exams will be similar, if not identical, to the ones in your HW assignments.
  • One of the important points of being in a good institution is having excellent colleagues who help you grow! So find friends and study together: share your frustrations and work on your HW assignments. But at the end write your own solution: your own wording.
  • Academic Integrity. Be fair to your friends! According to the UCSD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship, "no student shall engage in an activity that undermines academic integrity or facilitates academic integrity violations by others". According to the policy, you are not allowed to:
    • Complete, in part or in total, any assignment for another person.
    • Have any of your course work be completed, in part or in total, by someone else.
    • Plagiarize or copy even part of the work of another person or source and submit it as your own work.
    • Employ aids excluded by the instructor in completing any assignment.
    • Alter graded class assignments, then resubmit them for re-grading;
    • Submit substantially the same material in more than one course without prior authorization; and misrepresent, to your instructor, any aspect of your academic work.
  • Students caught cheating will face an administrative sanction which may include suspension or expulsion from the university.
  • Electronic computing devices. Graphing calculators and computer programs (or online computing websites such as Wolfram-Alpha Links to an external site.) can be very helpful when working through your homework. However, a calculator/computer should be used as an aid in learning concepts, not just as a means of computation. You can use these devices when working on math problems, but always keep in mind that any answers you give must be accompanied by accurate justification. 
  • Name and Gender Pronouns. UC San Diego is committed to supporting its students' name and gender preferences. Class rosters provided to your instructor and TAs have students' legal names, but we will strive to honor your request to be addressed using a preferred name or gender pronoun. Please let your instructor and TA know your preferences so that we can make changes to our records. (Certain university records may be beyond our ability to change, however.)
  • Equity, Inclusion, and Respect. We are committed to the UC San Diego Principles of Community . "To foster the best possible working and learning environment, UC San Diego strives to maintain a climate of fairness, cooperation, and professionalism. These principles of community are vital to the success of the University and the well being of its constituents." The principles of community include (but are not limited to): "We affirm each individual's right to dignity and strive to maintain a climate of justice marked by mutual respect for each other." "We reject acts of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, and political beliefs, and, we will confront and appropriately respond to such acts." "We promote open expression of our individuality and our diversity within the bounds of courtesy, sensitivity, confidentiality, and respect." "We are committed to promoting and supporting a community where all people can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of abusive or demeaning treatment." Visit the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for more information.
  • Accomodations. The Office for Students with Disabilities is another resource on campus. Students who are requesting accommodations due to a disability can get a current Authorization for Accomodation (AFA) letter from this office. Students are required to discuss accommodation arrangements with instructors and OSD liaisons in the department in advance of any exams or assignments.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due