Lecture 15 Reading Quiz

  • Due Mar 4 at 8pm
  • Points 2
  • Questions 2
  • Available Feb 25 at 8am - Mar 4 at 8pm
  • Time Limit None


You can use the following code for reference: SuperResolution.zip 

There are two runMe scripts.

1) runMeForSR - runMe for Super Resolution - This code resolves two objects even if they are within the resolution of the radar using sparsity and super-resolution. Try changing the parameters (num_elements, distances) and bring your observations to the class.

2) runMeforCE - runMe for Code Estimation - This code applies CDMA-like codes on two objects and tries to detect and estimate the range and classify the code.

As always, let me know if you find any bugs/ambiguities in the code.


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