CSE 20 - Discrete Mathematics - Briones [SP23]

CSE 20 Spring 2023

Welcome to CSE 20! 

This course will cover mathematical concepts used to model and analyze algorithms and computer systems. This course will introduce the ways logic is used in computer science: for reasoning, as a language for specifications, and as operations in computation. Concepts include sets, relations, functions, equivalence relations, partial orders, number systems, and proof methods (especially induction and recursion). Propositional and predicate logic will be introduced and applied to various computer science domains such as circuit design, databases, cryptography, and program correctness. 

This course is a direct tie-in to CSE 21, as well as the upper division algorithms and theory classes, such as 100, 101, 103, 105 and 107, but will also provide basic concepts that are used in the majority of later classes.  


The main prerequisite is CSE 11 or CSE 6R or CSE 8A or CSE 8B or ECE 15. Prerequisite courses must have been completed with a grade of C– or better.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe and trace simple algorithms using English and pseudocode.
  • Identify and prove (or informally justify) the termination and correctness of some algorithms.
  • Define and use classical algorithms and algorithmic paradigms (e.g. Euclidean algorithm).
  • Use multiple representations of numbers to illustrate properties of the numbers and develop algorithms.
  • Understand the logical structure and meaning of a sentence expressing a property, fact, or specification.
  • Reason about the truth or falsity of complicated statements using Boolean connectives, quantifiers, and basic definitions.
  • Relate boolean operations to applications, e.g. logic puzzles, set operations, combinatorial circuits.
  • Prove propositional equivalences.
  • Apply proof techniques, including direct proofs and proofs by contradiction.
  • Distinguish valid from invalid arguments.
  • Reason about modular arithmetic.
  • Use mathematical induction to prove statements about mathematical identities and inequalities.
  • Apply structural induction to prove statements about recursively defined objects.
  • Identify and be able to prove basic properties of sets, functions, and relations.
  • Distinguish between finite, countable, and uncountable sets.


Endemic Resilience :

While Covid 19 is now considered endemic rather than pandemic, there are still many cases causing serious health problems for people at UCSD.   Please be patient with us as we do our best to serve the needs of all students while adhering to the university guidelines. The health and safety of everyone in the course must be a top priority for all of us.   Masks and symptom screeners are still a requirement for classroom attendance.  Please do not come to class if you are sick or even think you might be sick. 

 With all of this in mind, we expect all students to come to class when they can, but will also provide as much of the class materials as we can in a remotely viewable format. The lectures are designed to engage students in real time with opportunities for questions and discussions between instructor and students and also between students and other students.  If you cannot attend class in person (or even if you can), please take advantage of the variety of ways to interact with the instructional team outside of class.  Office hours will be offered by both zoom and in person.  There will be a limited number of one-on-one slots for individual interaction with staff.   There will be a piazza site where you can ask or answer questions at any time, or discuss other aspects of the class. And there will be a discord where you can also ask questions in a more relaxed setting.


Instructional Staff


Role E-mail Office/Tutor/One-on-one hours
Jor-el Briones Instructor jbriones@ucsd.edu Tuesdays, 4:00-6:00 pm
Location: EBU3B (CSE) 4202
Zoom Link (when applicable): https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/92466784421
Sarah Ekaireb TA sekaireb@ucsd.edu

Tuesdays, 1:00-3:00 pm
Location: Zoom Link

Shibani Likhite TA slikhite@ucsd.edu

Fridays, 4:00 - 5:00 pm

Tuesdays: 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Location: https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/97047643207

Fatemeh Asgarinejad TA fasgarinejad@ucsd.edu

Tuesdays: 4:00-5:30 pm (online https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/8071614849)
Wednesdays: 5:30-6:30 pm (in-person-only EBU3B (CSE) B215))

Joshua Burrows TA jtburrow@ucsd.edu

Wednesdays: 5:00-6:00pm (EBU3B (CSE) B270A)

Fridays: 12:30-1:30pm (EBU3B (CSE) B275)

Andi Frank TA     a2frank@ucsd.edu

Wednesdays 2:00-3:00pm (Zoom)

Thursdays 3:00-4:00pm  (Zoom)

Brenton Dunn Tutor bmdunn@ucsd.edu Mondays 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Thursdays 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: Zoom link
Shouvik Guha Tutor sguha@ucsd.edu
Isabelle Kathleen Krochmal Tutor ikrochma@ucsd.edu
EBU3B (CSE) B275
Mondays 12:00-2:00pm
Wednesdays: 12-1pm 
Lisa Liu Tutor     lil043@ucsd.edu
Julia Wong Tutor juw024@ucsd.edu
EBU3B (CSE) B275
Wednesdays: 11:00am-12:00pm 
Thursdays 1:30-2:30pm
Frisdays 3:00-4:00pm


The sign-up sheet for one-on-one appointments can be found here: One-on-One Sheet 

You may leave anonymous feedback for the course in the Comments Section

Course Meeting Calendar

Lecture Schedule:


Lecture Date Topics Textbook Sections Poll Link Annotation Link
1 4/4/2023 Mathematical Objects, Numbers, Bases

4.1, 4.2

Link (Google Forms) Modules (Week 1)
2 4/6/2023 Base Expansions, Expansion Algorithms and Conversions 4.1, 4.2 n/a Modules (Week 1)
3 4/11/2023 Circuits and Logic 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL)  Modules (Week 2)
4 4/13/2023 Circuits and More Logic 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL)  Modules (Week 2)
5 4/18/2023 Normal Forms and Quantifiers 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL) Modules (Week 3)
6 4/20/2023

Nested Quantifiers

Big Quiz 1

1.4, 1.5

Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL)

(Not Collected)

Modules (Week 3)
7 4/25/2023 More Quantifiers, Proofs (begin) 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL) Modules (Week 4)
8 4/27/2023 Basic Proofs 1.6, 1.7 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL) Modules (Week 4)
9 5/2/2023 Proof by Cases, Contradiction 1.6, 1.7 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL) Modules (Week 5)
10 5/4/2023 (May the 4th be with You)

Proof Methods, Intro to Sets (Proof-tom Methods and Revenge of the Sets)

Big Quiz 2

1.6, 1.7, 2.1, 2.2

Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL)

(Not Collected)

Modules (Week 5)
11 5/9/2023 More Sets (Bringin' Sets-y Back) 2.1, 2.2 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL) Modules (Week 6)
12 5/11/2023 More Sets, Intro to Induction (Mathematical) 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 5.2 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL) Modules (Week 6)
13 5/16/2023 More Induction 5.1, 5.2 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL) Modules (Week 7)
14 5/18/2023

More Induction

Big Quiz 3

5.1, 5.2

Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL)

(Not Collected)

Modules (Week 7)
15 5/23/2023 Strong and Structural Induction 5.1, 5.2 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL) Modules (Week 8)
16 5/25/2023 Induction Practice, Structural Induction, Functions and Cardinality 5.1, 5.2, 2.3, 2.5 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL) Modules (Week 8)


(Special Poll Day)

Functions, Uncountable Sets (to Infinity and Beyond) 2.5, 9.1, 9.5 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL) Modules (Week 9)



Diagonalization and Equivalence Relations

Big Quiz 4

9.5, 4.1

Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL)

(Not Collected)

Modules (Week 9)



Modular Arithmetic 4.1 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL) Modules (Week 10)


Last Lecture :/

Mod Applications 4.3-4.6 Link (webclicker app, code: YTOVJL) Modules (Week 10)

Course Resources

Piazza (You should be automatically added and up on the Piazza Tab on Canvas):

We will be communicating with you through an online question and answer platform called Piazza. We ask that when you have a question about the class that might be relevant to other students, you post your question on Piazza instead of emailing us. That way, everyone can benefit from the response. On the other hand, questions about specific approaches to homework problems or other assignments should be marked private, visible only to instructors.

Gradescope (You should be automatically added and up on the Gradescope Tab on Canvas): The website where you submit all homework assignments and review quizzes

Discord (https://discord.gg/nC2gRUv5X5): A more casual forum to discuss course logistics and course topics.

The official textbook for this course is:

Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Kenneth Rosen, McGraw Hill, 7th edition.

The textbook's companion website has extra practice problems and resources. In particular, the Self Assessments and the Extra Examples for each chapter are great practice materials. Access the companion website here.  Earlier editions contain almost all of the material we will reference, and can be bought used often quite reasonably.  Just be sure to double-check locations for references  because we will use the  chapter and page numbers for 7th edition.  

You may also wish to look at the following textbook as a supplementary resource.

Jenkyns, Stephenson   Fundamentals of Discrete Math for Computer Science: A Problem-Solving Primer

The full pdf of this book is available for free download from a UCSD internet connection at:

http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-1-4471-4069-6Links to an external site.

Another helpful book is:  Daniel Solow's
How to Read and Do Proofs: An Introduction to Mathematical Thought Processes
While primarily for mathematics majors, it also is a general reference that can be used by anyone reading or doing proofs.


Please note: I do not plan on assigning problems directly from any of the textbooks for homework. If any such problem appears on the homework, it will be written out fully, rather than simply making direct reference to the textbook (eg you will not see something on an assignment like 'Rosen Ch 10, problem 5'). Moreover, while I encourage you to follow along the course with Rosen's corresponding chapters, I do not require that you do.


Course Meeting Schedule


Meeting Type Day(s) of Week Time Location Zoom Link (if applicble)
Lecture Tu/Th 6:30pm-7:50pm

WLH 2001


Discussion Mo 5:00pm-5:50pm York 2722
Final Exam Tu, 6/13/2023 7:00pm-8:59pm TBA (probably lecture hall) n/a



  • The lectures will be taught in person and on Zoom simultaneously.
  • The lectures will also be recorded and be available on Canvas, under the Media Gallery tab and under the My Media tab.
  • The lecture slides will be posted on the Modules tab, ideally before class, but may be revised.  A second version of the same slides might be posted after class.
  • You are encouraged to raise your hand and  interrupt lecture to ask questions, make comments or express doubts during lecture!
  • There will be a short review quiz based on lecture each week on Canvas.  You will have ONE attempt. The purpose of the quiz is:  if you don't know the quiz answers, you should review materials from that week's class. Each review quiz will be worth 4 points, which can be used toward your participation grade.

Discussion Section:

  • In person at York 2722
  • It will be Podcasted as well, barring technical difficulties.
  • Often, the discussion sections will cover one or more of the homework problems.

Coursework and Grades


Your grade will be based on the following:

  • Homework
  • 4 "Big Quizzes"
  • Participation (Including Review Quizzes and Zoom Polls)
  • Final Exam

Review Quizzes, Big Quizzes, and the Final Exam are strictly individual (you do not work in groups for those).  Do not discuss quizzes or exams until answer keys are posted; a few students may take them late, so answer keys and grades may be delayed.


Homework can be downloaded from the Modules tab, and will be approximately weekly, with <10 homework assignments over the quarter. The number of assignments may vary based on course progress.

You can discuss the ungraded homework with all students, and we will go over these problems in office hours.  However, you may not discuss whole solutions, and are required to have written solutions in your own words or within your homework group. The answer keys for the ungraded homework will be available after the graded homework is due. 

Homework should be done in groups of 1-4 people. So you may do them on your own if you prefer not to work in a group. You are free to change group member at any time throughout the quarter, but not within the same assignment (so you may not start homework X with one group, but then change groups for the same homework). Problems should be solved together, not divided up between partners, and you are responsible that all questions are answered with academic integrity.  If you are uncertain about the academic integrity of any part of your  group's assignment, submit your own answers for that part or ask not to be given credit for that part. 

Most of each homework will be on the topics covered in approximately the current or previous week of class.

While we are going to study many different topics in this class, all the topics are interrelated in different ways, and we will be using earlier topics in discussing later ones, if only as examples.  

Homework solutions should be handwritten or typed and turned in through Gradescope by 11:59pm on the due date (due dates may vary). Gradescope will also have a "Late Due Date" for assignments, with an accompanied time. Submitting within the Late Due Date time frame will not count against your grade; you may consider that a grace period. If you know that you will not be able to submit homework on time or there is an emergency, email Dr Jor-el and arrange to submit later (jbriones@ucsd.edu). You will be able to look at your scanned work before submitting it, as well as after submission. Please ensure that your submission is legible or your homework may not be graded or given points. You may resubmit updated versions of your homework up until the deadline. Only your most recent Gradescope submission will be graded. If you type your homework instead of handwrite it, you will be awarded 1 point of extra credit for that assignment.

Standards for evaluation

Your assignments in this class will be evaluated not only on the correctness of your answers, but on your ability to present your ideas clearly and logically. You should always explain how you arrived at your conclusions, using mathematically sound reasoning. Whether you use formal proof techniques or write a more informal argument for why something is true, your answers should always be well-supported. Your goal should be to convince the reader that your results and methods are sound. This means that unless it says: "no justification necessary" then we expect at least an informal proof or explanation as justification.

Collaboration Guidelines for Homework

Students are encouraged to collaborate on homework assignments. You may work in groups of up to four students. Your group will submit one assignment and Gradescope will give you the opportunity to add all of your group members to the assignment. If you are working in a group, please remember to add all of your group members, or they will not receive credit for the homework assignment. Groups do not have to be the same people for every assignment. You can change group members for each assignment.

If you are discussing problems with students outside of your group, please only share hints and basic techniques. DO NOT share your answers or allow other students to copy your written work. The bottom line is to submit YOUR OWN work. If we find that your work is too similar to another group's then you may be suspected of an academic integrity violation, and may be reported.  All students whose names are on the assignment must have participated in answering all questions, at the minimum by carefully proof-reading the submitted answers.  If there is a member of your group that did not participate, you cannot list them as a group member for this assignment.  If some other student or teaching staff gave you a tip that was particularly useful, please give them an acknowledgement in the assignment. That will help us avoid unnecessary accusations of academic integrity violations.

You may not collaborate with anyone outside of the class. You are not permitted to ask homework questions to message boards or websites such as Chegg and CourseHero, or through AIs such as ChatGPT.

You may use some materials not from class, such as other textbooks, notes from previous sections of the class, Khan Academy videos, YouTube videos or something similar, but with some caution. If an outside source has something relevant to a particular homework or exam problem, you must give the source a reference when you submit your assignment.  We will review how similar the reference is to your answer.  If it is too similar, you may lose some points for the assignment, but as long as you give the reference, it will not be an Academic Integrity issue.  

Review Quizzes

There will be a review quiz for every week, starting week 2. Week 1 has little to review and you will be given full participation points for that week. Review Quizzes will be posted on Gradescope.

You will have until the following Monday to complete the review quiz of that week.

You will have ONE attempt on each review quiz.

Each review quiz is worth 4 points, to be used for participation. Each quiz will be 3 questions, where 2 questions will be 1 point each, testing you on your understanding of that week's material. The final question will be 2 points, and will ask about something said DURING the lecture, but will not be posted online. The final question content will be made obvious to those during the lecture and to those watching the lecture, and may not necessarily have anything to do with the course. This is to ensure that, even if you watch asynchronously, you would have actually viewed the lectures to some extent.

Please do not share the hint to the final question of a review quiz with anyone. Should you be caught doing so, it will be treated as Academic Dishonesty, and you will be given a 0 on your participation grade for the quarter. Also, please do not collaborate with anyone during the review quiz, or access unauthorized websites such as Chegg and CourseHero, which would list answers.

Otherwise, the review quizzes are open books, open notes, and open internet.


You can earn 2 participation points per lecture by answering polls that occur in those lectures. Should you be attending in person, and are unable or unwilling to answer the poll questions, please email me at jbriones@ucsd.edu. One Poll will be selected to track participation in each lecture, so make sure to answer all poll questions. You may also earn up to 4 participation points from the week's review quiz (detailed in a section above). Each week, the maximum number of participation points you can earn is 4, but this can be taken from any combination of poll participation and review quizzes. For example, if you earn 2 points from the review quiz and 2 points from a Tuesday poll, you have earned the 4 participation points you can earn that week. If you earn more than 4 points on a given week, only 4 of those points will be counted.

In order to get all 5% of the participation grade, you must accrue 30 participation points. For every 2 points below 30, the participation grade will drop by a percent.

In other words:

Participation Total Participation Points Needed
5% LaTeX: \ge30
4% 28-29
3% 26-27
2% 24-25
1% 22-23
0% <22


Big Quizzes

There will be four Big Quizzes, tentatively slotted for the Thursdays of the third, fifth, seventh, and ninth weeks, on 4/20, 5/4, 5/18, and 6/1, respectively.

Your highest three scores among the four Big Quizzes will each comprise 15% of your overall grade. Your lowest scoring quiz will automatically be dropped.

Each Big Quiz must be taken during  the lecture time, and will be 45 minutes long, to be taken at the end of lecture. If you are unable to physically come to take the exam, please contact me at jbriones@ucsd.edu. You will not be accommodated for lecture conflicts unless you have specific accommodations from the Office of Students with Disabilities (OSD), or under extenuating circumstances.

Big Quizzes will focus on the specific topics of the preceding two or three weeks and are not planned to be cumulative, except insofar as mathematics is just naturally cumulative (so an old topic may be needed to understand a new one).

Big Quizzes will not allow for a cheat sheet. There will be no make-up quizzes.

Final Examination

The final examination will be held at the date and time stated in the course calendar. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have a schedule conflict involving the final examination, but we will assist to the extent possible.  If you know of a conflict, please send email directly to Jor-el at jbriones@ucsd.edu

The Final Exam will not allow for a cheat sheet. There will be no make-up Final Exam.


Course grades will be computed using the following weights:

Category Weight
Participation 5%
Homework 30% (Equally weighted, lowest dropped)
Big Quizzes 45% (Best 3 of 4, 15% each)
Final Exam 20%

Grade Scale              

Your final grade will be based on the following scale. (You will earn the grade in the table based on your numerical score or higher). If you get a failing grade on the final exam, you may receive a failing grade in the course regardless of your performance on other assignments.

Note that the actual "passing threshold" cutoff for both the final exam and the course itself might be below 70%, but will be determined at the end of the quarter, and will be based on overall performance of the students in the course.

A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- F
93 90 87 83 80 77 73 70 < 70

An A+ might be awarded to students who have earned at least an A and demonstrate exemplary effort, but will be awarded at the discretion of the instructor. Please do not ask to be granted an A+ if you have earned an A.

Course Policies

Academic Integrity

In this course we expect students to adhere to the UC San Diego Integrity of Scholarship Policy.   This means that you will complete your work honestly, with integrity, and support an environment of integrity within the class for which you are tutoring.  Some examples of specific ways this policy applies to CSE 20 include:

  • Do not discuss solutions to homework problems with people besides your homework partner (except during office hours, with the instructional team).
  • Do not share written solutions with other groups.
  • Do not collaborate on or copy parts of or whole exams or big quizzes.
  • Do not use online answer resources such as Chegg or CourseHero for any assignments
  • Do not use an AI such as ChatGPT for any assignments

Follow the golden rule for AI:  Always give credit for any outside help on any assignment, except for those whose job it is to help you (Instructors, TAs, tutors, the textbook, and class handouts). You should not attempt to search for homework solutions or exam solutions online or in sources outside of the course content. (Example: you should not consult content from CSE 20 of past quarters.) If you accidentally stumble upon a homework solution in such an outside source you should cite it in your homework solution. If your solution proves to be too similar to the cited one, you may lose credit on the problem, and failure to cite the other solution will be treated as academic dishonesty.

Collaboration Policy

For homework collaboration policy, see the paragraph above.

For Review quizzes, Big Quizzes, and the Final Exam, you are not permitted to collaborate with anyone else (including people from outside of the class like message boards or Chegg). We will give you the opportunity to ask clarification questions to the teaching staff during exams.

Regrade Policy

Please be prompt in reporting to Jor-el (jbriones@ucsd.edu) any errors in the grading of your work, or in the recording of your grade. Regrade requests for homework assignments, Review quizzes, Big Quizzes, and the Final Exam must be made on Gradescope. We will not lower your grade for a regrade request, but the net change of the request may be 0 points.  When you make a regrade request, you should specify exactly what the mistake in grading is, i.e., the wrong rubric item was selected or the rubric itself is inaccurate.  Vague requests for more partial credit will not be granted. Moreover, should it appear that you are asking for more points for the sake of gaining points, without valid reasoning behind such a change, we reserve the right to call you out on that and bluntly refuse your request.

Late or Missed Assignments/Missed Exam Policy

We will drop your lowest homework. Other than extenuating circumstances, there is no credit for late or missed assignments.

Technology Policy

For homework assignments, quizzes, and exams, you are permitted to use calculators. You are not permitted the use of phones or smart watches.

Outside Tutoring

Individuals are not permitted to approach students to offer services of any kind in exchange for pay,  including tutoring services.  This is considered solicitation for business and is strictly prohibited by University policy. 

Resources for Students

Getting Help

We provide many office hours and 1-1 sessions. Please use them. This class can be challenging if you don't engage with the teaching staff. 

Moreover, we also have a Piazza (linked in the Piazza Tab), and a Discord (https://discord.gg/nC2gRUv5X5) on which you can ask for help from other students and instructional staff. Please do not publicly ask about specific solutions to problems--if you must ask about solutions or want to verify your own, please make a PRIVATE post on Piazza to the instructional staff.

The IDEA Engineering Student Center, located just off the lobby of Jacobs Hall, is a hub for student engagement, academic enrichment, personal/professional development, leadership, community involvement, and a respectful learning environment for all.  The Center offers a variety of programs, listed on the IDEA Center Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/ucsdidea/  <--Links to an external site (you are welcome to Like this page!) and the Center website at http://idea.ucsd.edu/ .  The IDEA Center programs support both undergraduate students and graduate students.

Diversity and Inclusion

We are committed to fostering a learning environment for this course that supports a diversity of thoughts, perspectives, and experiences, and respects your identities (including race, ethnicity, heritage, gender, sex, class, sexuality, religion, ability, age, educational background, etc.).  Our goal is to create a diverse and inclusive learning environment where all students feel comfortable and can thrive. 

Our instructional staff will make a concerted effort to be welcoming and inclusive to the wide diversity of students in this course.  If there is a way we can make you feel more included please let one of the course staff know, either in person, via email/discussion board, or even in a note under the door.  Our learning about diverse perspectives and identities is an ongoing process, and we welcome your perspectives and input. 

We also expect that you, as a student in this course, will honor and respect your classmates and the instructional staff, abiding by the UCSD Principles of Community ( https://ucsd.edu/about/principles.html ).  Please understand that others’ backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences may be different than your own, and help us to build an environment where everyone is respected and feels comfortable.

If you experience any sort of harassment or discrimination, please contact an instructor as soon as possible.   If you prefer to speak with someone outside of the course, please contact the Office of Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination: https://ophd.ucsd.edu/ 

Students with Disabilities

We aim to create an environment in which all students can succeed in this course.  If you have a disability, please contact the Office for Students with Disability (OSD), which is located in University Center 202 behind Center Hall, to discuss appropriate accommodations right away.  We will work to provide you with the accommodations you need, but you must first provide a current Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter issued by the OSD.  You are required to present their AFA letters to Faculty (please make arrangements to contact me privately) and to the OSD Liaison in the department in advance so that accommodations may be arranged.

Basic Needs/Food Insecurities

If you are experiencing any basic needs insecurities (food, housing, financial resources), there are resources available on campus to help, including The Hub and the Triton Food Pantry.  Please visit http://thehub.ucsd.edu/ for more information.



Course Summary:

Date Details Due