Course Syllabus

Schedule at a glance
Slides, Recordings, and Handouts

CSE 165

Lectures: Tue/Thu 2pm - 3.20pm, CSE B210 
Labs:  Fri: 9am - 10.50am, CSE B210
TA Office Hours: TBD
Prof. Office Hours: By Appointment 

3D User Interactions

Prof. Jurgen Schulze, 
Prof. Nadir Weibel,



From video games to mobile augmented reality, 3D interaction is everywhere. But simply choosing to use 3D input or 3D displays isn't enough: 3D user interfaces (3D UIs) must be carefully designed for optimal user experience.  The goal of this course is to cover the full spectrum of emerging applications for 3D UIs, and present an array of pioneering techniques and technologies. We will cover theoretical foundations, analysis of devices and techniques, empirically validated design guidelines, and illustrate key concepts with running case studies.


By the end of the quarter, students will gain an understanding in:

  • Essentials of HCI and human factors centered around 3D UIs
  • How 3D UIs have evolved, and the "hard problems" that remain
  • 3D UIs in console gaming, VR, augmented reality (AR), mobile/wearable computers, and remote collaboration
  • How 3D input/output enables users to perceive and act much as they do in the physical world
  • 3D output devices, including visual, auditory, haptic, and tactile displays
  • 3D input devices, including traditional, special purpose, and direct human input
  • 3D interaction techniques for common tasks such as selection, manipulation, navigation, and system control
  • Strategies for designing and developing 3D UIs
  • Evaluating existing 3D UIs, and previewing their future

Textbooks and Readings

Lectures will loosely follow the content of the following textbook:

LaViola, Kruijff, McMahan, Bowman, Poupyrev
3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice (2nd Edition)
Addison-Wesley Professional, 2017
ISBN: 978-0134034324

The textbook is highly recommended, but not required to do well in class. The lecture slides will be made available after each lecture and there will not be reading assignments. But the textbook can help understand many of the topics in greater depth.

Access to CSE B210

Everybody should have received a personal room access code for CSE B210. You can access it by entering your username and student ID on this page:

We have dedicated WiFi (non-enterprise level) in CSE B210. The SSID is hidden and is CSE-B210. The password is 94016376. Devices plugged in physically on one of the two switches (e.g. your laptops) will be on the same network as the WiFi-connected devices.

Engagement with the Class and Evaluation

CSE 165 consists of both team assignments and a final group project and students will be assessed for both types of engagements throughout the quarter.

Team Assignments

Week 1 will be dedicated to an introductory project that will get students acquainted with XR and Unity. During weeks 2-7, students will be required to submit three projects that build on the content that is delivered during the Tuesdays and Thursdays classes. Projects are meant to be completed in teams of 2 students utilizing the VR or AR technology that will be made available for that project. 

  • Project 0: Intro to XR and Unity
  • Project 1: Selection, Manipulation
  • Project 2: Travel, Wayfinding
  • Project 3: Menus, AR

All projects must be demonstrated to the course staff (1) as a video submitted on Canvas by the due date, and (2) in person on Fridays to the course staff after submission. There is a dedicated grading session on Fridays in CSE B210.

All code needs to be saved in a dedicated GitHub repository and submitted to the instructors on Canvas; no code change is allowed after the due date. A Github archive of your project containing all files essential to recreate your project needs to be submitted by the deadline.

If you decide to get graded before the due date, you can do this during any of the office hours, but you only have one attempt at early grading. If you aren't happy with your grade from early grading, you have to wait until the official grading session on the due date to get graded. Note that you will then get graded on your entire project again, not just the part that was missing or incomplete.

If you can't finish your project by the due date, you can submit it on the following Friday, but your score will be subject to a penalty of 25%.

For Project 1 we have an additional late grading policy: for each 24 hour period you submit late you get 5% of your score taken off as a penalty, up to a maximum of 25%.

Week 7 Midterm

During Week 7 students will have a midterm exam that will focus on the content that has been covered until then. More details about the midterm will be communicated later during the quarter.

Final Project

Starting on Week 8 you will work on your Final project which will be presented during Finals week and will serve as your final exam. The final project should incorporate ideas, code, and experiences gained during the first three projects. In order to facilitate brainstorming of ideas, you will be required to submit every week during weeks 3-7 initial ideas for a project that integrates different 3D UI concepts and AR/VR technology.

Final projects will be done in teams of two. By the start of week 7, you should have decided on your final project team and submitted a proposal for your final project.

Schedule at a Glance

Course Summary:

Date Details Due