Connecting to the Media Teaching Lab File Server

NOTE: If you are in the Media Lab Editing Rooms, connecting to the server is as easy as clicking this icon! MTL-Jellyfish Icon


The Media Teaching Lab "Jellyfish" file server provides also remote access to files for students in media production courses.

  1. Log on to the UCSD VPN:
    You can skip this step if you are on campus.

  2. From a Mac computer
    1. Go to Finder > Go > Connect to Server
    2. In “Server Address” enter: smb://
    3. You can click the plus (+) next to the address to save it to Favorites.
    4. Click connect.
    5. When prompted, enter your AD/SSO login and pw.
    6. Do not check “Remember this password in my keychain” unless you are on your own, password-protected computer.
    7. Click Connect.
    8. When prompted, select MTL-Media-Library or MTL-Work-Space and click OK.
    9. To make finding it easier, you can drag the icon for to your “Favorites” in the Finder sidebar.
    10. NOTE: When working remotely, you should always COPY FILES TO A LOCAL DRIVE before adding them to a Premiere / Avid / DaVinci project.

  3. From a PC running Windows 10
    1. Right-Click the start menu and select File Explorer or click the manila folder icon in the taskbar.
    2. Click This PC then select Computer at the top left of the window.
    3. Choose Map a Network Drive.
    4. For the "Folder," enter: \\mtl-jellyfish\MTL-media-library and/or \\mtl-jellyfish\MTL-work-space
    5. Check the box for "Connect using different credentials" and enter your AD/SSO login and password.
    6. Click "Finish" and you should find the new drive letter available under "Computer."
    7. NOTE: When working remotely, you should always COPY FILES TO A LOCAL DRIVE before adding them to a Premiere / Avid / DaVinci project.