Connecting to the Media Teaching Lab File Server
NOTE: If you are in the Media Lab Editing Rooms, connecting to the server is as easy as clicking this icon! |
The Media Teaching Lab "Jellyfish" file server provides also remote access to files for students in media production courses.
- Log on to the UCSD VPN:
You can skip this step if you are on campus. - From a Mac computer
- Go to Finder > Go > Connect to Server
- In “Server Address” enter: smb://
- You can click the plus (+) next to the address to save it to Favorites.
- Click connect.
- When prompted, enter your AD/SSO login and pw.
- Do not check “Remember this password in my keychain” unless you are on your own, password-protected computer.
- Click Connect.
- When prompted, select MTL-Media-Library or MTL-Work-Space and click OK.
- To make finding it easier, you can drag the icon for to your “Favorites” in the Finder sidebar.
- NOTE: When working remotely, you should always COPY FILES TO A LOCAL DRIVE before adding them to a Premiere / Avid / DaVinci project.
- From a PC running Windows 10
- Right-Click the start menu and select File Explorer or click the manila folder icon in the taskbar.
- Click This PC then select Computer at the top left of the window.
- Choose Map a Network Drive.
- For the "Folder," enter: \\mtl-jellyfish\MTL-media-library and/or \\mtl-jellyfish\MTL-work-space
- Check the box for "Connect using different credentials" and enter your AD/SSO login and password.
- Click "Finish" and you should find the new drive letter available under "Computer."
- NOTE: When working remotely, you should always COPY FILES TO A LOCAL DRIVE before adding them to a Premiere / Avid / DaVinci project.