Resources + Support
Course ## |
Student Resources for Support and Learning |
Learning Resources
Access to Computers, Discounted Software, and Internet
Student Affairs has compiled a list of special provisions by internet service providers, including temporary free service and/or leniency on fee payment.
See the full list of internet and software provisions.
If you are having trouble accessing the technology or software required in this course, please reach out to me as soon as possible.
Technical Support
- For help with accounts, network, and technical issues: Contact UC San Diego ITS
- For help with electronic library resources: See How to Connect from Off Campus
- For help installing Zoom for virtual office hours: View the Zoom Help page
Students requesting accommodations for this course due to a disability must provide a current Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter issued by the UC San Diego Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) which is located in University Center 202 behind Center Hall. Students are required to present their AFA letters to Faculty (please make arrangements to contact me privately) and to the OSD Liaison in the department in advance so that accommodations may be arranged. Contact the OSD for further information: | 858. 534.4382
I am committed to creating a learning environment that supports diversity of thought, perspective, experience, and identities, and I encourage students to participate in discussion and contribute to the field from their perspectives.
Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion:
858.822.3542 | |
Student Life - Diversity
Policy on University of California Diversity Statement (Links to an external site.)
Basic Needs
Any student who has difficulty accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live, and believes this may affect their performance in this course, is encouraged to contact: | | (858)246-2632
Religious Accommodation
See: EPC Policies on Religious Accommodation, Final Exams, Midterm Exams
It is the policy of the university to make reasonable efforts to accommodate students having bona fide religious conflicts with scheduled examinations by providing alternative times or methods to take such examinations. If a student anticipates that a scheduled examination will occur at a time at which his or her religious beliefs prohibit participation in the examination, the student must submit to the instructor a statement describing the nature of the religious conflict and specifying the days and times of conflict.
For final examinations, the statement must be submitted no later than the end of the second week of instruction of the quarter.
For all other examinations, the statement must be submitted to the instructor as soon as possible after a particular examination date is scheduled.
If a conflict with the student’s religious beliefs does exist, the instructor will attempt to provide an alternative, equitable examination that does not create undue hardship for the instructor or for the other students in the class.
Discrimination and Harassment
See: Nondiscrimination Policy Statement
CARE at the Sexual Assault Resource Center
858.534.5793 | |
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
858.534.3755 |